Reflecting on the changes happening in the world around us especially in talent acquisition. As technology advances and best practices change, so does human resources. If you want to work efficiently while recruiting strong candidates and retaining good employees, you need to keep up with the latest innovations.
We will highlight in this article the latest emerging HR trends that are shaping the way organisations approach talent acquisition and we will continue exploring more HR trends in the coming articles.
Remote Jobs
The recruitment journey continues to evolve and hiring companies are expanding their talent pool to reach a more diverse group of job applicants. For instance,remote jobs are emerging and that will support more geographic diversity among applicants. More than that, temporary positions along with independent workers (freelancers, temporary employment contract) are increasing. For a long time, this arrangement has been supplementary to full-time jobs, but that is no longer the case. The segment is becoming more mainstream and is also influencing remote work.
Furthermore, due to the innovation in technology nowadays, more and more administrative transactional activities will be outsourced to external HR agencies or shared service centers.
Digital Recruiting Strategies
Companies are forced to put more emphasis on digital recruiting strategies to hire.
Virtual recruiting will become the new standard. As a result, companies will be using more video conferencing, social media recruiting, digital screening and assessment tools.
Artificial Intelligence In Talent Acquisition
Artificial intelligence has penetrated the HR hiring environment and the initial outcomes are promising. In fact, recruitment vendors and HR managers agree that artificial intelligence technology is never meant to replace recruiters and it is designed to vastly improve their roles.
The use of conversational chatbots is becoming a popular artificial intelligence deployment in talent acquisition. These chatbots can now effectively engage candidates at the various contact points during the hiring journey. At present, HR chatbots can do the rigorous task of pre-screening candidates with ease. They can also monitor employee issues using real-time data and sentiment analysis.
Gamification has become a popular trend in talent acquisition and some companies are adopting the values of gamification to stay relevant in the recruiting market. There are many reasons for using gamification which could be testing specific skill, saving time, making the recruitment process less stressful and keeping up with competitors.
Talent Acquisition Analysis
Analytics in talent acquisition is the use of data to make hiring decisions and predict workforce planning. Now, predictive analytics has become vital in recruiting because it helps to identify strong hires for open positions, make a better offer to candidates and provide a better candidate experience.
Metrics as of turnover rates or hiring results will still be valid. However, more data is required. For example, tracking productivity and programs that will have impact to get the best candidate out of the big pool. Hence, HR professionals will have to deal with more analysis and data tracking. They need as well to have the skills to analyse, predict and work with data.
Emerging Skills
Recruiters are more inclined to hire for soft skills. Consequently, soft skills will be considered as necessary as hard or technical skills. Soft skills such as creativity, persuasion, collaboration , adaptability and emotional intelligence will be crucial.
The benefits of artificial intelligence and automation for HR don’t come instantly. Actually, It is a journey and we can see the short-term benefits of this journey in automation. The medium-term benefits in augmentation and finally the long-term benefits in the simplification of human tasks.
Artificial intelligence requires a lot of data to work efficiently for which it needs proper storage and management. The ideal strategy would be to employ digitalization in HR management in order to improve the overall employee experience.
As a matter of fact, artificial intelligence could increase productivity and decrease operational costs. However, It is vital to protect the human interactions which simply can’t be underestimated. At the end, It is humans not robots that drive people to think differently.
Originally published at on January 20, 2021.