How To Follow up After A Job Interview? Tips From A Former Recruiter
How to follow up after a job interview? A question that is being asked by many candidates. Once the interview is over, some job seekers relax as they think the most challenging part is over. Not yet! there’s still work to be done to ensure that you stay on top of your interviewers’ minds. In this article, a former recruiter will share tips on how to follow up after a job interview and email templates that will win over recruiters and employers.
How to follow up after a job interview
First, you need to keep in mind that recruiters have interviewed many candidates for one specific role but sending a follow-up email after an interview is as important as doing well in the interview itself. So, if you have submitted an application blindly, be prepared to wait a reasonable amount of time before getting an answer. Unlike if you have succeeded in your first job interview, or you went through the very first phone interview, and things went well, you don’t need to wait long before checking in!. The steps mentioned in this article will definitely help you stand out.
Why recruiters take so much time and what do you need to do
Job seekers always seem to assume that the process is smooth from the employer’s s side. But, speaking as someone who has been on the “other side”, that is often totally wrong. Many reasons could be the cause of the delay, for instance hiring someone usually involves more than one person, the full process could take time just by coordinating the availability of each of the people involved. Sometimes, the position itself gets restructured or perhaps budgets are getting reviewed or some decision-makers are on a business trip or on vacation. So many things could happen!. Just don’t assume that no news is bad news and at the same time don’t pause your job search, keep your job search rolling.
Before leaving the interview, ask about when you can hear back from them
It is crucial to ask the interviewer what happens next at the end of the interview so that you know exactly when it’s acceptable to follow up. If the answer is they would finalize the interviews within a week or 10 days, then it is ok to get in touch with the recruiter within that timeline. If the answer is; they still have many candidates to meet only then they would take a decision. A thank you email after the interview would be the most appropriate thing to do.
How to follow up after a job interview: The first step is ”Thank you email”
Thank you note should be sent within a day or two of the job interview. Taking the time to write one is a great opportunity to leave a positive impression on the interviewers. You need to keep your email brief;
- Open with a formal salutation.
- If you have been interviewed by several people, thank everyone who interviewed you.
- Express your appreciation and show your excitement about the next step in the recruitment process.
- Refer to specific company plans or mention something that you learned about the company during the job interview.
- Suggest how your experience and skills can help or are a good match for the position.
- Say that you’re willing to provide the hiring manager with any additional information if necessary.
- End it with how much you are looking forward to hearing from them.
Sample of thank you email
Dear […..],
Thank you so much for your time yesterday and for giving me the chance to share my interest and qualifications for [the position name]. I particularly enjoyed learning about your company [ strategy / upcoming challenges/core values ].
The details you provided me about the position convinced me that this is a job I would enjoy and I am convinced that I can add a valuable contribution with my skills and experience. [ specify a skill or experience that matches the role ].
Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. Looking forward to hearing from you back.
Thank you once again,
How to follow up after a job interview: Second email
If you did not receive any reply after the thank you email, you can follow up after 5 to 10 days. This study shows that 46% of recruiters and hiring managers prefer to be contacted by email. If you’re certain that your hiring manager would not be okay with your calling them — stick to the follow-up email.
Have a look at the below sample. There isn’t much to say but you can reiterate your interest and ask if they’d like you to provide any additional information.
Sample 1 of the second follow up email
Dear [……….],
I thought I’d check-in. During our last interview, you mentioned that you’d be making the final recruitment decision for [the name of your position] by [this week, date, deadline].
Please let me know if you have an update and if there are any additional details I could provide you with to facilitate the hiring process.
Sample 2 of the second follow up email
Dear [………..],
I wanted to follow up on my interview on [date] for [position]. I enjoyed our discussion and getting to know more about [company].
Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. I am excited about the opportunity to work with you at [company].
What if you don’t get any feedback?
If after the second follow-up email, you receive a rejection or you just don’t receive any reply. Don’t be desperate! keep in touch. It might be useful to have this employer in your network. Rather than seeing your relationship with the employer as a failed job interview, treat them as a valuable new colleague and contact.
Building your network and expanding it means keeping the conversations with recruiters open by thanking them for their replies, congratulating them, and sharing with them relevant information. You can add the recruiter to your Linkedin profile if you feel that you have built a kind of connection during the job interview stage.
Remember it is great to follow up after a job interview. The thank-you email is a must but the key is to remain professional, not pushy or overeager.