The end of the year is a great time to look back and look forward. Many people would like to know how to be ready for the performance review meeting. As we navigate so many changes due to the COVID-19 crisis, employees find the process stressful but it is important to continue having regular conversations about performance. This helps individuals and organizations remain productive and moving forward through this challenging time.
In fact, regular feedbacks during the year are the key to have a successful performance review meeting. The Performance review meeting is the perfect time to reflect on your achievements during the year and make plans for the new year.
Here are the best tips to be ready for your performance review meeting ;
Tip1: Prepare and anticipate
In order to be ready for the performance review meeting, it is important to prepare and list out your accomplishments over the year. Anticipation is crucial and anxiety around performance reviews can be reduced with proper preparation.
Make your own review of the objectives set at the beginning of the year and deep dive in all your accomplishments. Ask yourself the following questions ( you can practice using some performance review forms):
Which goals have you accomplished? when? and how?. List down the dates, challenges and prepare a copy of your tangible achievements. Review your emails and your calendar to identify milestone successes and feedback from others that supported you along the way.
If you haven’t accomplish some goals, you will need to be ready to clarify and be specific with your answers. The goal of the feedback is not to make you feel bad. Rather, it is intended to help bring out the best of your abilities. So, actively listen to what your manager is saying and consider how you can apply the words to your responsibilities and don’t be defensive.
If you fail to meet a goal, give yourself some grace. Goals should inspire you to stretch yourself. If you hit all of your goals every time, they might not be ambitious enough.
Tip 2: Schedule your meeting in advance
You need to schedule the performance review meeting with your manager in advance. If you are working remotely, schedule a video chat so you are still having a live conversation.
Some companies are using self reflection online method. I highly recommend that you set up a meeting with your manager prior to going online to rate yourself. This will help to align your judgement and reflection with your manager feedback.
Tip 3: Go above and beyond
Use your performance review discussion to show your manager how you have grown and evolved during the year beyond your smart objectives goals. Grasp the opportunity to show the challenges that you have faced, and how you went above and beyond to exceed the expectations.
Tip 4: Share your career plan and expectations
Performance review meeting is the right time to discuss with your line manager your career growth. If you are looking to take on more responsibility or to get trained on a new skill, bring that topic up in your performance review meeting. Your goal is to reach a meeting of the minds between you and your boss. Make sure you understand exactly how you have been successful and how you can improve so you can increase your success.
Tip 5: Communication
Your line manager does not necessarily remembers your priorities neither how you achieved or missed your goals. Begin the performance review conversation by reviewing all the goals then break them down into points before starting the evaluation.
If your boss does not give you the feedback, ask for it. If you suspect or know for sure that your manager is unhappy about the results of some goals, ask him/her about what you could have done better.
Tip 6: Create action plan and reset expectations
Create an action plan with your manager based on the performance evaluation, this will help you to shift the focus of a performance meeting from the past to the present and future. A good action plan will take elements of the performance evaluation into consideration and specify dates for different goals.
Ask your manager to share with you his expectations for the next year, and how you will be able to overcome the challenges. Don’t wait for your manager to follow up with you, take the lead and keep your manager informed about your goals progress, and how you are addressing the various issues you are facing.
Discussing regularly your performance in more informal settings will also help to dial down the apprehension surrounding evaluations, don’t wait for the performance review meeting to get feedback.
Originally published at on November 30, 2020.