9 Tips On How To Ask Your Manager For A Raise From HR Experts

6 min readApr 6, 2021


Knowing how to ask for a raise can be sometimes emotionally stressful and intimidating. However, if you believe that you should be paid more for your work and want to do something about it, read the below!. We share in this article some great tips on how to ask your manager for a raise.

How to ask your manager for a raise

Be confident when you ask your manager for a raise

People who ask for what they want have more opportunities to discuss promotion opportunities and career progression planning. Your conversation with your manager opens up a good dialogue and highlights your leadership qualities. An employee who knows what he or she wants and will take the appropriate steps to get there is respected and valued.

You need to understand that when you request a higher salary, your boss recognizes that you value yourself as an employee. If you are a hard-working employee, your manager will want to keep you and give you a higher wage. That’s easier than having to search for a new employee and train that employee to do your job.

Understand your company salary scale and market benchmark

Before you ask your manager for a raise, take time to learn the average starting salaries for your position and similar roles.

There are plenty of market surveys that can help, remember to compare organizations working in the same sector like retail versus retail and same geographical area. Each company’s scale is different but look for organizations that have similar approaches to pay and benefits.

On sites like Salary.com and PayScale, you can get a free salary report to check how your current salary compares. Be sure to consider the industry you are based in, your employer’s size, and your benefits. If you have any connections with recruitment managers, ask them if they would look at your resume to provide you with a salary goal for your position and experience.

While you’re looking at the numbers, carefully consider the salary scale of your company and benchmark your role versus close competitors. Remember, do not compare your salary to a colleague or to a new joiner. You can ask colleagues to understand your package position but when you ask your manager for a raise, avoid pinpointing specific cases.

Know your objectives and achievements before you ask your manager for a raise

When you want to ask your manager for a raise, you prepare yourself by building your request and documenting the bottom-line benefits you’ve brought to the company. Instead of pointing to your actions, quantify your results or deliverables. For this reason, I strongly recommend asking your manager for a raise during the performance review.

During your performance review, you have the opportunity to showcase your work, for instance, you can talk about the results of a project, positive feedback you received, or praise from the management. The performance review is a good time to ask your manager for a raise and also discuss your career planning objectives. Keep in mind that raises are given out based on merit and your impact on the company.

Choose the best timing to ask your manager for a raise

Each organization is different in terms of processes, but most of them include raises, promotions, and additional benefits during budget preparation. It is always best to ask for a raise before closing the year budget so that your manager’s proposal can be taken into consideration. On the other side, if you believe that there are budget cuts going on, you can still postpone your request to the first quarter of the upcoming year.

If you work for a company that generally gives raises once a year, pay attention to when that normally happens. In some companies, it might be linked to your anniversary or joining date. Others might assess everyone’s salary at the same time, like each December. Once you know when that happens, plan to initiate the conversation with your boss at least a month or two before that formal process begins.

Consider your tenure in the organization

You need to keep in mind the amount of time you’ve been at your job whether you have been recently transferred to a new role or taken new responsibilities. I suggest not to ask for a raise more than once a year. If you have taken a new role, you should ask your manager for a raise before moving to the new position or after six months of being in the position (if you feel that you need to prove yourself first).

Generally speaking, if it’s been a year or more since you received an increase, and if you’ve been doing excellent work during that time, it’s reasonable to ask your manager for a raise.

It’s acceptable to ask your manager for a raise in the 10% to 20% range. Some companies might even go with less than that depending on many factors such as the role, the grade of the employee, the scale…etc.

Can you send an email to ask your manager for a raise?

You may find it less intimidating putting your request in writing. An email can be a way to initially ask your manager for a raise. However, I do recommend making your email short. When writing your email, be sure to make it professional with a proper greeting, a formal closing, and outlining your case.

However, keep in mind that emails are not the most effective way to ask your manager for a raise. Scheduling a meeting is more efficient. I understand that many employees opt for email communication because it is less stressful but the meeting will give you a chance to defend your case and open up a discussion about your career growth as well.

Prepare for a meeting to ask your manager for a raise

Asking your manager for a raise shouldn’t be done unexpectedly. You will want to schedule a meeting and ensure to be ready to present your case on why you deserve a raise.

If you’re going above and beyond, you should feel more comfortable asking for a raise. You can talk about the projects you’ve played a role in and how you’ve exceeded the expectations. Even if your manager doesn’t ultimately say yes, you should understand that most managers do not have the authority to approve a raise and they have to get approval from someone higher. So, give your manager adequate time to consider your request.

What if you ask your manager for a raise and says ‘NO’

Don’t get discouraged. Try to understand the reasons for the rejection and what would it take you to earn a raise in the future. If your manager does not explain the reasons, rest assured that he/she is either trying to avoid a possible confrontation, scared from your feedback, does not want to create negative vibes, or lacks training. Regardless of the reasons, a good manager will explain his/her decision and will support you to progress and reach your goals in the future.

What if you ask your manager for a raise and says ‘YES’

If you are given the raise, be prepared to continue working hard. You knew you should get a raise; now show your boss you deserved it.

If you get a yes, maintain your professionalism. Express your gratitude and keep up the good work. It’s also important to maintain good relationships with your co-workers. If you brag to others about your pay raise, your boss will regret helping you, and it will create friction within your team.

Last Thoughts

If you follow the above steps, you will definitely have a better chance to get a raise considering you are a good performer employee. Requesting a pay raise can be stressful and uncomfortable, but there is nothing to lose by trying.




Written by JobsBlend

Career Coach| Human Resources Professional | Looking to grow and reach your career goals? I can help! Check out my Website https://jobsblend.com

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